Minecraft Game’s Snapshot Updates Brings Amazing Mob Variants and More Changes

Minecraft’s new Snapshot adds Cold & Warm Cows, glowing Firefly Bushes, and realistic Desert sounds. Dive into the update and shape the future of the game!


  • The latest Minecraft Snapshot update brings new Cow variants, Desert sounds, and a Firefly Bush.
  • The latest Snapshot introduces new Cow variants and brings back Fireflies.
  • Fans are eager to explore these updates and enjoy new features.
  • This update brings exciting changes, including new Cow variants, Firefly Bushes, and enhanced Desert sounds.

The latest Minecraft Snapshot update brings new Cow variants, Desert sounds, and a Firefly Bush. Many players don’t try Snapshots, but this one is great for first-timers. Minecraft has changed a lot since its release. Mojang added many blocks, mobs, and resources over time. They introduced biomes like Cherry Grove and Deep Dark.

Existing biomes, like Oceans and Mountains, have expanded. A recent mob vote led to the Armadillo’s addition. However, Mojang later removed interactive voting. They continue creating big updates with exciting content. The latest Snapshot introduces new Cow variants and brings back Fireflies.

These changes make the game more immersive. Fans are eager to explore these updates and enjoy new features. Minecraft has revealed details about the latest Java Snapshot and the upcoming Bedrock Preview. This update brings exciting changes, including new Cow variants, Firefly Bushes, and enhanced Desert sounds.

Minecraft Game Snapshot - Minecraft Game’s Snapshot Updates Brings Amazing Mob Variants and More Changes
Image Credit: Game Rant

Cows now have two new variants. Cold Cows roam frigid biomes and have fluffy fur to survive harsh weather. Warm Cows live in hot climates and look like a brown version of regular Cows. Both new variants have horns, making them unique. These changes give players more variety in their worlds.

The Desert biome now feels more alive. Mojang has added ambient sounds like chirping crickets, rustling twigs, and howling winds. These sounds create a more immersive experience. Players exploring deserts will now hear the environment react around them. A major highlight of this Snapshot is the Firefly Bush. 

It grows in Swamps and near water. Fireflies in these bushes glow, creating a magical effect. Players can apply them to blocks, but it’s unclear if they provide light. Fireflies were originally planned as a mob, but players objected because Frogs would eat them. Mojang found a solution by placing them in bushes instead.

Standard bushes are also part of this update. They appear in forests, birch forests, plains, and windswept hills. These additions make the game’s world more diverse.

The last big update focused on the Pale Garden. Now, this Snapshot returns attention to the Overworld. Mojang wants player feedback, so these features may change before the final release. Players can help shape the update by sharing their opinions.

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Snapshot 25w05a Patch Notes

Snapshot 25w05a Patch Notes - Minecraft Game’s Snapshot Updates Brings Amazing Mob Variants and More Changes
Image Credit: Game Rant

New Features in Minecraft Snapshot

Minecraft’s latest Snapshot introduces exciting updates, including new Cow variants, Firefly Bushes, and improved ambient sounds in deserts and badlands.

New Additions

  • Cold and Warm Cow Variants: Different types of Cows now appear based on their biome.
  • Firefly Bush Block: A glowing plant found near water.
  • Bush Block: A simple new plant block.
  • Enhanced Ambient Sounds: Deserts and badlands now have more realistic environmental sounds.

Cow Variants

Cows now have biome-based variants. Their type depends on where they spawn.

Temperate Cow (Regular Cow):

  • This is the standard Cow found in most biomes.
  • It spawns where neither Cold nor Warm Cows appear.

Cold Cow

  • Found in colder biomes.
  • Spawns in:
    • Old Growth Pine Taiga
    • Old Growth Spruce Taiga
    • Taiga
    • Snowy Taiga
    • Windswept Hills
    • Windswept Gravelly Hills
    • Windswept Forest

Warm Cow

  • Lives in hot biomes.
  • Spawns in:
    • Savanna
    • Savanna Plateau
    • Windswept Savanna
    • Jungle
    • Sparse Jungle
    • Bamboo Jungle
    • Eroded Badlands
    • Wooded Badlands
    • Badlands

When players breed Cows, the baby’s variant is randomly chosen from its parents, not based on the biome.

Firefly Bush

  • Firefly Bushes grow in Swamps and near Rivers.
  • At night, glowing firefly particles appear around them, creating a magical effect.
  • Using Bone Meal on a Firefly Bush spawns another Firefly Bush item.
  • This bush emits a small amount of light, with a brightness level of 2.


  • The Bush is a decorative block found in small patches in various biomes.
  • It appears in Plains, Windswept Hills, Windswept Gravelly Hills, Windswept Forest, Rivers, and Frozen Rivers.
  • It also grows in Forests, Birch Forests, and Old Growth Birch Forests.
  • Bushes can be placed in a Composter to produce Bone Meal.
  • Using Bone Meal on a Bush can make another Bush grow next to it if space allows.

New Ambient Sounds for Desert and Badlands

  • Sand, Red Sand, and Terracotta blocks can now play ambient sounds when surrounded by similar blocks on at least three sides within an 8-block range.
  • The block.sand.idle sound plays in any biome.
  • The block.sand.wind sound plays only in Desert and Badlands biomes.
  • Dead Bush blocks can play ambient sounds if placed on two blocks of Sand, Red Sand, or any Terracotta color.


  • The Temperate Cow has a slight design update, now featuring an extruded snout.
  • Beacons and their beams now render beyond 16 chunks, reaching up to the player’s client render distance.
  • The beam gets thicker when viewed from far away for better visibility.
  • Beacon beams can now reach a height of 2048 blocks, up from the previous 1024 blocks.

Technical Changes

  • The Data Pack version is now 65.
  • The Resource Pack version is now 50.

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FAQ – Minecraft Game

Q1. What are Cold and Warm Cow variants?

Cold Cows live in cold biomes with fluffy fur, while Warm Cows thrive in hot biomes. Both have horns.

Q2. Where can I find Firefly Bushes?

Firefly Bushes grow in Swamps and near Rivers, glowing with firefly particles at night.

Q3. How do Bushes grow?

Bushes can grow by using Bone Meal, creating a new Bush next to the original one if space allows.

Q4. What new sounds have been added to the Desert and Badlands?

Deserts and Badlands now have realistic ambient sounds, including wind and sand rustling sounds.

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